I am sorry Ive been MIA lately. I used to actually blog about faith, 20s, singleness, exercise, dating, etc... Even about my life some too... But I've been busy which makes for boring posting
Seriously any of my recent posts would have said... Work bla bla bla...wedding bla bla bla... Job search bla bla bla... And a few update posts like that are good but a bunch are obnoxious so I just didn't post.
Consider this my one obligatory update post before I move on to bigger and better posts (JK I've got nothing brewing) here goes:
- last weekend was my bachelorette weekend which was amazing and fun. I miss my sweet friends now that I live at my parents house so seeing them was such a treat!
- wedding invites went out. It's official y'all!!
- Dave has had a lot of interviews (4 last week and 2 this week). Plus interest from another firm. In addition we are waiting to hear from some firms he already interviewed with recently. Now that school is done he is able to focus on applications and interviews and has had several. Say some prayers that one of these firms works out. Now is the hard part. Waiting :( Firms have a little more control so they can make you wait awhile
- Dave graduated! It was great and ill post pics soon (I lied we will have a second update post full of pics sorry)
-I failed my diet kindof. I made it halfway through before I had graduation, Ansley's birthday, a wedding and traveling. Lost 5 pounds though so I believe it works well! i had always planned to take off for bach wkd and i did and Am back and committed to following a modified version of the diet a couple more weeks in attempts to lose the last 5 pounds!
- I'm in Thankyou note writing mode. I'm determined to get caught up before the wedding!
That's about all. Bored yet? Yeah me too
Ill try to be interesting again soon!
The Spiritual Practice of Not Giving Up
1 day ago
Hang in there, girl! I am in SF this week and was thinking yesterday how much fun you are going to have on your honeymoon!!