Thursday, December 29, 2011

Decapitated groom?

This picture makes my day -- and when I tell you the story, it will make your day too. Despite the broken groom, this story tells how loving my baby brother is.

I got this bride and groom and a church (for the Christmas Village) the year I got engaged.  The next year, when things had ended, my mom chose not to pull the bride and groom out. When I asked about it, she said that we would pull it out again the next year...that we all needed it to stay put up that year. So the church was put out, but not the happy couple.

However, the next year, my mom looked for the couple to put it out and couldn't find it. and we could not find it the next year. We thought it was misplaced-- until this thanksgiving when a picture was texted to me in Vermont -- of a headless groom.

Apparently, sometime between the "year off" and the couple making their re-entry into our Christmas village, my brother found it and expressed some stored up anger towards the poor ceramic groom.  He then hid the decapitated groom and his bride and we finally found it.

Its a few years later, and we all found it so funny that he didn't get in trouble. Yes he destroyed a holiday decoration, but he did it in defense of his sister? So can you really be angry?  In fact, I hope we keep this couple even when we buy a new one....because its so funny and so sweet, all at the same time.

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